Sunday, November 17, 2013


"The slightest change in Your perspective can change your life." -  Pam Winters

Of all the things I heard this weekend at a ladies leadership... why does this stick out so much? I think because I am learning how limited my life has been based on my perspective. What is perspective? Such a vague word with just a dictionary definition until it becomes a word that affects our lives. To me, perspective is the filter we look through. It varies in size, shape, color, clarity all based on our beliefs, experiences and understanding. It affects the way we think or view our life, circumstances, opportunities, people...   I heard Creflo Dollar say that Right Understanding leads to Right Belief which, I then say, leads to a Right Philosophy that is the foundation of your life in which we make all our decisions.
I think we are  in life where we are based on our decisions and our words. Why OUR words? Well, because frankly, words matter. They impact our lives. They can change the way we think about something, someone. And who do we hear more often than anyone else? Ourselves. That is why my friend, there is Victory over any situation just around the corner, when your words line up with God's Word who only dwells in, plans and creates Victory. He is Victory, but more importantly, He wants Victory for all of us... "As earth as it is in heaven"...
Our decisions... well that is something we have to take ownership of,  responsibility for, however you want to word it.  And this is where I believe Perspective comes in to play. Because the more understanding we have, the better our perspective usually is. That's where the old saying, Until you've walked in their shoes, you won't understand.  It explains so much when you see a child who maybe acts a certain way at school that doesn't make sense and then you find out the situation at home that you wouldn't dream of having your children face. Or that girl who is more friendly than she should be with all the guys, knowing she'll be called names but does it anyways because that's the only time she ever hears or is made to feel like she matters, even if she knows its a lie. Or the family member that is always at odds with someone else in the family and doesn't seem to care how much drama they create but secretly hates themselves and doesn't know how to genuinely love anyone because you can't give what you don't have. "Hurting people Hurt people" - Joyce Meyer always says.
Doesn't it change our perspective when we understand that?

So here's my recent revelation on perspective...
I always had a hard time understanding why the God of the old testament and the God of the new testament seemed to be so different.  I know there is only one God, and He is the same today as he was in the beginning.. whenever that was... lol. Sooo for example the whole Israelites having to wander in the wilderness for 40 years and not being able to go into the Promised Land until they all died off because of their unbelief always seemed so different from the disciples who got second, third, fourth chances to have faith during their journey with Jesus while he was teaching and ministering.

Well, I have been studying God's Grace and Love for us and WOW, has it opened my eyes, given me understanding and a New PERSPECTIVE of why things happened the way they did.
So remember how God promised that He was giving this land to His people and then the spies were sent out, 2 came back with faith filled responses and 10 came back with fear filled responses? Well the reason God told them they would have to wander in the wilderness was because he knew they did not have the faith and Trust in Him that He would help them defeat the Giants in their way and therefore would die fighting them and never inherit the Promised Land like He promised. And since His promises are ALWAYS true and He is always Faithful to what He has SAID, He had another plan in which they might continue to live, have families, make memories, grow, learn and die naturally and then allow their children to Fight the Fight with Faith so that the legacy and generations would still have the Promised Land. It was His Love and Faithfulness toward them that lead to Plan B. Not some form of punishment for lack of faith. That comes from the Enemy. That's his doing... to kill, steal and destroy.
Ahmazing! When you have the right Perspective based on the TRUTH, it sets you Free!  So when something doesn't make sense or seem unfair or makes you mad, seek Truth, God's Word and a Relationship with the One who gives us true perspective based on Love and Goodness and your whole life will change! And that's what I'm excited about!